The past couple of weeks has been really great for me. I have been enjoying the free time to work on my artwork. I've been enjoying my long walks. My daughter Sydney and I have been spending quality time together planning a vegetable garden in our backyard. We have started some seeds and have marked out a small plot of land to begin planting as soon as our dirt arrives. I watched Sydney learn to make a loaf of bread from scratch, no machines, just her own 2 hands and it turned out beautifully. She was so proud of herself, and I was so proud of her.
This time has afforded us time together, to learn new skills, and time to get back to the basics. As I have helped Sydney with these new endevours, it has made me step back and reconsider our hectic life (before Covid-19). So many skills like baking bread have become a dying art for so many. Our younger generations haven't learned these skills and I find that sad. But it has helped me realize the importance of teaching them to my own children. In the process I have been so content, so full of peace and happiness. It has been an absolute joy.
That being said, the question remains, are we going to pick up the busyness once things begin to reopen? I'm not convinced we are. I would prefer not to if I'm honest. I am cherishing this last year with my daughter before she moves out and attends college on the west coast.
As I spend devoted time in the Word every morning, being spiritually filled, I feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be, doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Of course, as part of my thought processes tend to do, I have begun wondering if this is what I'm supposed to do live a quiet simple life, devoted to things I believe truly matter. But then God reminds me that life comes in seasons and this is a beautiful season I am in and that it's ok to enjoy every moment. It's ok to not wonder what the future will bring. It's ok to not make plans for now. That it's a wonderful thing to have complete peace in a time when the rest of the world seems to be struggling.
I realize everyone is handling this differently and many won't be able to connect with post, and that's ok! I just pray that we all use this time to appreciate what we have, how little we actually need and that what is really important are the relationships we have and the people we surround ourselves with.